The Book Project

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Book CoverOur book, Unitarian Universalists of Color: Stories of Struggle, Courage, Love and Faith, contains original stories by fifteen Unitarian Universalists of color and a transcript of panel workshop at the Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly in 2015, featuring Revs. Jonipher Kwong, Carlton Elliot Smith and Sunshine Wolfe as the panelists.

See the Table of Contents, read Preface or watch worship services or a Church of Larger Fellowship VUU talk show on the project on April 27, 2017.

Jessica York and Dr. Mark Hicks, both Unitarian Universalist religious educators, contributed foreword and afterword, respectively. Dr. Hicks also contributed “Beyond the Critique of Racism,” an article that includes three sets of questions that people of color can use to unpack their experiences of oppression: for personal contemplation; for small-group contemplation and for large-group/congregation-wide contemplation.